Tom Nolle: The “Internet Fast Lane”: For More Than Video Buses?

Tom Nolle is the president and founder of CIMI Corporation and the principal consultant/analyst. http://www.nojitter

It’s pretty clear now that we’re entering a new age of Net Neutrality where the FCC’s position is much more focused, even forgiving.

While the new rules aren’t published yet, FCC Chairman Tom Wheeler has made it pretty clear that these new rules will not prohibit provider-pays models of QoS or settlement for QoS among ISPs. That could certainly mean the potential for higher-quality video (at a price) but it could also mean that higher-QoS Internet service could become available for other kinds of traffic, and that, in particular, businesses might be able to use the Internet for things they now have to use business VPN services to support. What might the “fast lane” do for business users?

One obvious benefit would be for video collaboration or simple video meetings. Today, high-quality video requires private networking facilities that are so expensive that for anything but regular use, costs would be prohibitive. Since most video use is extemporaneous, a video-QoS model for the Internet could revolutionize video collaboration.

This revolution might be at the expense of not only the providers of business VPN services but the providers of high-end videoconference tools. Even today, some surveys show that Internet videoconferencing generates ten times or more the number of conferencing hours as high-end systems, even if you factor in the larger number of participants per room in the latter.

The notion of extemporaneous QoS for video could also spread to other business applications. How much private networking is justified by the higher availability and guarantees of service quality that such a network service brings? Would companies who could invoke service-specific QoS on demand decide to try even critical applications over Internet VPNs, with the intention of dialing up QoS if they needed to? How much best-efforts-suitable stuff gets carried on expensive VPNs because a small percentage of companion work demands high QoS and availability?

Cloud computing could obviously benefit from QoS and settlement, too. Many companies who are considering public cloud services want service-level agreements. But if you get a cloud service over an Internet connection that’s best-efforts, what does your SLA mean to you? Not much. On the other hand, pair cloud SLAs with Internet QoS and you have something that has contractual guarantees of the kind that make a CFO (almost) smile.

Then imagine what might happen to the business opportunity for a small cloud provider. Today, they might be selling cloud door-to-door in some small city somewhere because they can’t get a service footprint any bigger. Now they could become an ISP, get QoS peering with other ISPs, and sell cloud business and even VPN services anywhere in the world, right alongside the giants of networking who have multinational footprints. Think innovation, David and Goliath, or whatever you like here–it would be a radical change in the business model.

There could be ISP changes coming, too. Settlement could make retail ISPs profitable again. Right now a startup trying to get VC funding for fiber to the home (FTTH) would be better off starting a dating service for left-handed lacrosse stars; neither idea would have much revenue credibility but at least the DSLHLS service would be cheap to fund.

But now suppose that content providers and other ISPs who want quality video or other services delivered to consumers have to revenue-share by paying that retail ISP? That might re-ignite the FTTH business.

This happy future isn’t a slam dunk, though. For extemporaneous QoS to work, we have to be able to get it wherever we get the Internet, and that doesn’t mean pay-for-priority so much as it means settlement among ISPs for the payment. Ad hoc video or application use of QoS is almost certain to cross ISP boundaries. If you pay one for priority, and the rest just toss your stuff into the bit bucket, nothing has changed. While the FCC may permit QoS and payment for it, it may fall way short of mandating settlement.

Why? The answer is the D.C. Court of Appeals decision that got us where we are with neutrality. The court said that the FCC has only limited jurisdiction over ISPs as long as it continues to say that the Internet is an “information service.” That could mean that an attempt by the FCC to mandate that an ISP offer QoS services for all applications or settle with partners for end-to-end QoS would be overturned by the court for the same reason.

“Real” core net neutrality means non-discrimination when managing traffic. That’s a given. The FCC is signaling that it also means paid-priority options regardless of whether the consumer or provider of content pays. They’re saying that this kind of fast-lane service can’t be allowed to favor a provider’s subsidiary over others, which implies the FCC would say that if you have a fast-lane service you have to open it to whoever pays the toll. But it doesn’t mean that you have to offer fast-lane service at all. Remember, consumer-pays-for-priority has always been an option, and nobody offered it.

Still, I don’t think the ISPs would be able to resist the opportunity to charge video companies for priority delivery, and that’s the camel’s nose here. From that we can see a pretty clear path all the way to everyone-must-offer-priority. The hang-up will be settlement. If the FCC can somehow navigate the fine line the court set on its jurisdiction over “information service” providers and mandate QoS settlement, then we may see a radical new Internet–and network–on the horizon.

Tom Nolle. Nojitter

My day as a robot. Telepresence allows you to leap impossible distances

By Leon Neyfakh | GLOBE STAFF   MAY 11, 2014. TORONTO/NEW YORK — The robot hand has been wrapped in artificial skin in order to make it feel more human, the professor from Japan is explaining. Hearing this, I want to take a quick, discreet glance around to see if everybody else in the room thinks it’s as weird as I do, but I can’t. Like them, I am getting to see this talk because I’m attending a massive conference on human-computer interaction, which has brought thousands from around the world to a convention center in Toronto. But unlike them, I’m not quite there.

Hideyuki Nakanishi explains that he and his team from Osaka University have built a “remote handshaking system” that gives the power of touch to people video-chatting with each other through a screen. By sliding your real hand into the fake one attached to your monitor, you can gauge the confidence in a prospective business partner’s grip, feel your far-away girlfriend’s fingers, or greet your father-in-law with a manly shake. The hand even maintains human body temperature, so when you touch it, it’ll be warm, just like real flesh.

By the time Nakanishi shows a video of a Japanese pop idol shaking hands with the device on national television, the MIT researcher who brought me to the conference is losing his mind with delight. “SO CRAZY,” he types into a chat window. Soon after, the talk draws to a close and everyone in the room starts enthusiastically clapping.

Everyone but me. As Nakanishi thanks the audience and prepares to take questions, I find myself looking down at my own hands, which are perched on a keyboard about 350 miles away, in a New York apartment that also contains the rest of my body. In the conference room, I am only “present” in the form of a very simple robot. My face is being projected on an iPad screen, my voice can be heard through a speaker, and the rest of me is represented by an adjustable pole connected to some kind of computerized base with wheels that I can control from my distant laptop.

The MIT team responsible for bringing this machine to Toronto and arranging for it to receive press credentials—yes, I’m wearing a badge around my aluminum neck—have great hopes for it. Having christened it the People’s Bot, they have been using it over the past several days to demonstrate how robotic “telepresence”—controlling the movement and interactions of a physical proxy in a distant place—could help radically expand our individual horizons.

Their ambitions are of the world-changing variety, but they do not solve my immediate problem. Under normal circumstances, it would be strange of me not to join in the show of appreciation for Nakanishi’s presentation. But I am at home by myself eating cereal—a fact I am trying to conceal from anyone who might be looking at my screen in Toronto. Putting my spoon down and clapping would make me feel ridiculous.

Regardless of where I am physically, the truth is I’m “here” enough that, if I wanted to, I could wheel over, get in line, and ask a question myself.

DOUG CHAYKA FOR THE BOSTON GLOBE. Regardless of where I am physically, the truth is I’m “here” enough that, if I wanted to, I could wheel over, get in line, and ask a question myself.

Regardless of where I am physically, the truth is I’m “here” enough that, if I wanted to, I could wheel over, get in line, and ask a question myself.

And then something happens. Audience members with questions about the robot hand rise from their seats and line up behind the microphone that’s been set up in the middle of the room. I use the right arrow key on my computer keyboard to rotate myself, so that I can see them. As I do, it dawns on me that, regardless of where I am physically, the truth is I’m “here” enough that, if I wanted to, I could wheel over, get in line, and ask a question. Merely imagining myself doing this makes me suddenly feel very present indeed. I feel a new resolve: After the next presentation, I will clap, and I’ll keep my hands in the frame so that the person delivering the talk can see me doing it.


THE BASIC NOTION of virtual presence—your body is here, but you’re also magically moving around there—is a deep-seated desire of humankind, not unlike invisibility, immortality, and flying. But the set of technologies needed to make it practical has come together only recently. The person credited with kick-starting the modern wave of telepresence research is Massachusetts Institute of Technology professor Marvin Minsky, a pioneer in artificial intelligence. “We could have a remote controlled economy by the twenty first century if we start planning right now,” he wrote more than 30 years ago.

Now, fast data connections have made videoconference applications like FaceTime standard on smartphones, and teleconferencing someone into an office meeting via Skype or Google is no big deal. The model serving as the People’s Bot, a $2,499 device called Double, is a novel combination of iPad and self-balancing remote-controlled scooter. Engineers around the world are working on more advanced versions, including one that allows people with disabilities to control telepresence robots with their minds.

DOUG CHAYKA FOR THE BOSTON GLOBE. I am at home by myself eating cereal—a fact that I am trying to conceal from anyone who might be looking at my screen in Toronto.

I am at home by myself eating cereal—a fact that I am trying to conceal from anyone who might be looking at my screen in Toronto.

As telepresence technology has improved, people have come up with a number of ways it can fill vital needs. There are housebound children around the country who attend school remotely by using robot decoys. Many hospitals in California have telepresence devices set up that allow specialist doctors to see distant patients who would otherwise never have access to them. A urologist at Boston Children’s Hospital has been sending telepresence robots home with patients who have gone through surgery, and would otherwise need to be brought to the hospital several times a week for checkups. Researchers at UMass Lowell have been working on a way for nursing-home residents to be telepresent with their far-flung families; the Department of Defense hopes telepresent surgeons can improve battlefield trauma care.

But there’s another, conceptually distinct way telepresence might change things: by helping people leap societal barriers rather than physical ones. This notion was illustrated most dramatically at the TED conference in Vancouver this March, when NSA leaker Edward Snowden was interviewed on stage using a telepresence robot called the Beam—created in 2012 by a Palo Alto company that’s selling them for $16,000—and then spent some time mingling with the crowd, even as his body was stuck in Moscow, where he has been granted temporary asylum by the Russian government. TED attendees thronged the robot to take “Snowden selfies,” even though the star “self” was someone who wasn’t there—who couldn’t be there, in fact, because he would have likely been arrested if he’d tried to fly to Canada.

The team of researchers who developed the People’s Bot, associates of MIT’s Center for Civic Media and the Media Lab, see telepresence as a tool to help all kinds of people facing constraints on where they can go. Snowden’s constraint is a legal one, of course. But a simple bot could also leap security walls, or financial ones: A democracy activist could attend a human-rights summit while trapped in Syria; a family in Indiana could take their artist daughter to the Louvre even if they can’t afford the airfare. Just hypothetically, it could also help a reporter in New York who wants to attend a conference in Toronto on extremely short notice, on a day when he already has plans with his mom.

As we prepare for a near future in which robotic telepresence is a routine part of life—in which meetings might be attended by some mix of real co-workers and bots; in which you’ll go to a party and see some old college buddies beaming in from the opposite side of the country—researchers are trying to figure out how being “present” in this strange new way should feel, how it should work, and how much it could ultimately change human interaction.

True, I could have just asked someone attending the conference to FaceTime me on their iPhone and carry me around. But the unequivocal lameness of that scenario underscores the potential value of telepresence bots. There are certain situations where it really matters to be in the room, controlling where you go and what you’re looking at, and perhaps more strangely, taking up physical space. The people you cross paths with encounter a version of you and are forced to grapple with your presence.

At a tech conference, of course, the entire point is for people to mingle and network and eat together and bump into each other unexpectedly. “Presence” is exactly what we’re buying when we pay for the plane ticket, the hotel room, and the sometimes high price of entry. So what difference does it make when you’re sort of present and sort of not? This is the question I’m trying to answer in Toronto. The answers surprise me in a whole bunch of ways that I could not have predicted.


AS I WAIT for the second talk to start, the person sitting next to me in the audience begins to cough and sneeze riotously. I am suddenly—irrationally—seized with the desire to be sure he’s covering his mouth. I even find myself a bit frustrated that I can’t subtly look over and check without theatrically rotating the screen that my camera is mounted on. When I start paying attention again, I realize that the person who has taken over the podium, a researcher from the University of Wisconsin-Madison named Irene Rae whom I’m supposed to meet a little later on the conference floor, is giving a talk about telepresence bots exactly like mine. Hearing her describe the experiments she conducted on them, I feel self-conscious.

DOUG CHAYKA FOR THE BOSTON GLOBE. I am suddenly—irrationally—seized with the desire to be sure he’s covering his mouth.

I am suddenly—irrationally—seized with the desire to be sure he’s covering his mouth.

After the talks conclude, I glide slowly out into hallway, and am carried by my companion from MIT to a different floor. (Escalators, it turns out, are tough for robots.) Once I am back on my own two wheels, I notice crowds of people all around me, standing and chatting and figuring out where they have to be in order to make their next session. As I navigate myself, using the arrow keys on my computer, I worry about hitting someone as I move among them. I notice with some satisfaction that lots of people are looking at me. Some are even waving.

When I hit a clearing, a friendly young woman comes up to me, introduces herself as Leila, and asks where I am. I am very briefly confused by the question: We’re in Toronto, of course! But when I catch her drift and admit I am actually in New York, she doesn’t seem to hear me. Before long, it becomes clear that the volume on the People’s Bot just doesn’t go loud enough to carry my voice in this noisy hallway. To hear what I’m saying, Leila has to put her face right up against mine. This seems to work, and after a bit of basic back and forth, I ask her what it feels like to be talking to me. “Do I seem like a human or a robot to you?” Leila thinks this over, and after a moment, says something thrilling: “It’s like a hybrid of both. Like a cyborg!”

According to one study, people who are telepresent feel “violated” when people who are present-present move them around without their permission, or put their feet up on them as if they were furniture.

DOUG CHAYKA FOR THE BOSTON GLOBE. According to one study, people who are telepresent feel “violated” when people who are present-present move them around without their permission, or put their feet up on them as if they were furniture.

According to one study, people who are telepresent feel “violated” when people who are present-present move them around without their permission, or put their feet up on them as if they were furniture.

Electrified by this assessment, I spend the next 15 minutes roaming around trying to meet people, and crowing “HELLO!” to anyone who makes eye contact with me, like an over-excited parrot. All the attention makes me want to perform a little, but my technical capabilities limit the tricks I can do to raising and lowering my the pole that connects my head to my motor, and rotating in circles. Before I can get too hammy with any one conference-goer, however, I find that my impossibly quiet voice—for which I try to compensate by leaning in toward the microphone on my laptop, only to realize this means leaving the camera’s field of vision—leads most of my potential new friends to lose patience and move on to other things. When someone says to me, “I’m really sorry, but I can’t hear you!” I know they’re not really rejecting me, but it hurts my feelings a little bit anyway.

Some frustration sets in, and perhaps as a result, I get distracted and bump rather violently into a large man. “Excuse me,” I shout to him, with my hands around my mouth, as he gets out of my way with a bewildered look on his face. When I try to follow him so I can ask what it was like getting bumped into by a cyborg, I find I am a lot slower than he is, and I lose him in the crowd.

I have better luck with a group of three young people, who are willing to go out of their way to hear what I’m saying. After they take some selfies with me, I ask them, in a voice so loud that I wonder if my neighbors will think I have lost my mind, if they could imagine letting someone like me hang out with them. “Sure!” says a cheerful boy named Javier. “Maybe we could get some drinks or some coffee.” He is holding a coffee cup as he says this, so I pick up the one on my desk and show it to him. Everyone laughs.

Soon it is time for my meeting with Irene Rae, the researcher from the Wisconsin Human-Computer Interaction Lab, and her adviser, Bilge Mutlu. When Rae tracks me down, she says cautiously, leaning into the frame of my camera, “I think I’m supposed to be meeting you?” It feels like we’re two strangers who have agreed to meet for lunch but have neglected to describe what we look like.

When we find a quiet place to talk, Rae explains that robotic telepresence research is still in its early stages—that at this point, experts still don’t know exactly what is needed to make people feel physically present in a place where they are not, or how best to help them interact with people who are. Mutlu, who has joined us, notes that this is not merely a question of technology, but of social norms as well. According to one study, people who are telepresent feel “violated” when people who are present-present move them around without their permission, or put their feet up on them as if they were furniture. Then there’s the question of how close people should get when they’re interacting with someone who is telepresent. “Right now,” Mutlu admits, “I’m getting very close to you, in order to hear you, and it feels a little uncomfortable for me.”


OVER THE COURSE of the two hours or so that I spend as the People’s Bot, I feel genuinely transported, and I’ll come to remember it much more as time spent at a conference than as time spent sitting in front of my computer. I ride around and wonder who I’m going to talk to next. I spontaneously ask questions of experts I would otherwise have to arrange formal interviews with over e-mail. In some meaningful way, I have broken through the barrier separating me from this distant group of people. Of course, I cover a lot less ground than I normally would, because my motor just doesn’t move me as fast as my legs do, and I am somewhat dependent on a handler—J. Nathan Matias, who is cocaptain of the People’s Bot project, with his MIT colleague Chelsea Barabas—to navigate and avoid getting lost, stolen, or knocked over. I also feel a bit clumsy and impaired in various ways, almost like I am drunk. (Perhaps if I were invited to the bar with the grad students afterwards, I would fit in a little better.)

As my time with the People’s Bot winds down, Matias asks me if I would mind going over and showing myself off for some folks from Microsoft, who had helped him with a Wi-Fi problem the other day. Valentina Grigoreanu, a researcher at Microsoft, seems very impressed with me. “It’s just amazing that you’re so far away and you can attend this conference,” she says. But then she betrays that she’s probably just being polite; it turns out she comes into contact with beings like me on a not infrequent basis. “We have a few workers at Microsoft who are exactly like this all the time. They’ve got their own office and they go to meetings and they can move around like you do,” she says. This makes me feel like I am not alone in the universe. But it also kind of blows my mind that I’m talking to someone for whom this is just no big deal.

A moment later I find myself standing in front of an Xbox system set to a game called “Just Dance.”

DOUG CHAYKA FOR THE BOSTON GLOBE A moment later I find myself standing in front of an Xbox system set to a game called “Just Dance.”

A moment later I find myself standing in front of an Xbox system set to a game called “Just Dance.”

Grigoreanu then invites me to dance with her. I agree before I know exactly what this will entail. A moment later I find myself standing in front of an Xbox system set to a game called “Just Dance,” which uses Kinect technology to give players the ability to manipulate virtual versions of themselves by standing and moving around in front of a TV screen. The idea is to dance to the music, try to stay on rhythm, and do as many of the right moves as possible. When asked what song I’d like to dance to, I request “I Will Survive.”

Soon the beat kicks in and I start to do my thing, such as it is. Side to side, up and down, round and round—I don’t have a lot of options. As the chorus hits, I start to experiment, jerking around as quickly as possible by hitting the left and right arrow keys on my computer in rapid succession. When I turn myself around to look at Grigoreanu and Matias, who are dancing behind me, I see that they are able to do much more complex things with their human bodies. I feel a bit jealous of their versatility; I’m so focused on finding cool-looking ways to move that I can’t even tell what the on-screen me is doing, or if the Xbox is registering my strange body at all. Nevertheless, I feel like we’re all three dancing together. In the end, Matias and Grigoreanu both get more than 6,000 points, and I get 962—not bad, I think, considering I don’t have arms or legs.

Not long after this exhilarating exercise, Matias informs me that he has to go, which means it’s time for us to say goodbye. As I thank him for his help I am possessed of a desire to shake his hand, and must settle for an exaggerated, friendly head-nod instead. Nakanishi’s remote hand-shaking system suddenly starts to make more sense.

As Matias leaves my field of vision, I find myself staring at a wall, listening to a conversation I can hear taking place behind me and wondering, with some nervousness, whether I’m about to be unplugged. After a few seconds Matias pokes his head in front of the iPad and says, with a friendly chirp, “Feel free to log out when you’re ready!” And just like that, I turn myself off.

Source: Boston Globe

American Telemedicine Association’s. ATA 2014. May 17-20


ATA 2014 in Baltimore brings together healthcare professionals and leading telemedicine programs to share new clinical research, best practices and innovative business models.

ATA attendees represent over 1,000 companies and institutions. Check them out here

Saturday, May 17

7:00am – 6:00pm
First Floor
Charles Street Lobby

Registration Open
Coffee and refreshments provided by Cnow

8:00am – 6:00pm
First Floor
Exhibit Hall
Exhibit Set-up
9:00am – 4:00pm
Third Floor
4:00pm – 7:30pm
Hilton Baltimore
ATA Board of Directors Meeting
By Invitation Only

Sunday, May 18

7:00am – 6:00pm
First Floor
Charles Street Lobby
Registration Open
Coffee and refreshments provided by Cnow
8:00am – 2:00pm
First Floor
Exhibit Hall
Exhibit Set-up
8:00am – 3:00pm
Third Floor
8:30am – 11:30am
Holiday Ballroom 3
12:30pm – 3:30pm
Holiday Ballroom 3+6
Telemedicine Venture Summit
Morning session by invitation only. Separate registration required
Afternoon session open to all attendees. Separate registration required

A panel of experts from the investment community will share advice and experiences on strategic partnerships, venture financing, and the state of the telehealth market.
Third Floor
Room 332
Hilton Baltimore
Holiday 1
ATA Industry Council Meeting
ATA President’s Circle Members Only

Hilton Baltimore
Holiday 2
ATA Institutional Council Meeting
ATA Institutional Members Only

Hilton Baltimore
Holiday Ballroom 4-5
Joint Institutional / Industry Council Luncheon
ATA President’s Circle and Institutional Members Only
12:00pm – 1:30pm
Third Floor
Room 330
12:00pm – 3:00pm
Third Floor
Room 339
3:00pm – 4:00pm
Fourth Floor
Welcome Reception & Member Group Meet and Greet
Open to all attendees

4:00pm – 5:30pm
Fourth Floor
Opening Plenary

Our Future Together

Edward M. Brown, MD

Edward M. Brown, MD
President, ATA
Chief Executive Officer
Ontario Telemedicine Network

Jonathan D. Linkous

Jonathan D. Linkous
Chief Executive Officer
American Telemedicine Association

Making the Possible Happen

Reed V. Tuckson, MDReed V. Tuckson, MD
Vice President, ATA
Program Chair, ATA 2014
Managing Director
Tuckson Health Connections, LLC

Telemedicine and the Future of Global Health

Paul Farmer, MD

Paul Farmer, MD, PhD
Global Humanitarian

Medical anthropologist and physician Paul Farmer has dedicated his life to improving health care for the world’s poorest people. He is a founding director of Partners In Health (PIH), an international non-profit organization that since 1987 has provided direct health care services and undertaken research and advocacy activities on behalf of those who are sick and living in poverty. Dr. Farmer began his lifelong commitment to Haiti in 1983 while still a student, working with dispossessed farmers in Haiti’s Central Plateau. Starting with a one-building clinic in the village of Cange, Partners In Health’s project in Haiti has grown to a multi-service health complex that includes a primary school, an infirmary, a surgery wing, a training program for health outreach workers, a 104-bed hospital, a women’s clinic, and a pediatric care facility. Over the past twenty years, PIH has expanded operations to twelve sites throughout Haiti and twelve additional countries around the globe. The work has become a model for health care for poor communities worldwide: Dr. Farmer and his colleagues in the US and abroad have pioneered novel community-based treatment strategies that demonstrate the delivery of high-quality health care in resource-poor settings.
5:30pm – 7:30pm
First Floor
Exhibit Hall
Opening Reception in Exhibit Hall
Supported by SUNPAYour first chance to explore the largest ATA Trade Show ever!  See and handle thousands telemedicine and mHealth products and services.  See the Exhibitor Guide for information on exhibitors and their featured offerings.
Monday, May 19

7:00am – 6:00pm
First Floor
Charles Street Lobby
Registration Open
Coffee and refreshments provided by Cnow
9:00am – 10:00am
Fourth Floor
Balllroom D
Monday Morning Plenary 

Edward M. Brown, MD

Edward M. Brown, MD
President, ATA
Chief Executive Officer
Ontario Telemedicine Network

Integrating Telemedicine: A Conversation with Stephen Hemsley & Reed Tuckson

Photo Currently Unavailable
Stephen J. Hemsley
President and Chief Executive Officer
UnitedHealth Group
Stephen J. Hemsley is president and chief executive officer of UnitedHealth Group, a diversified health and well-being company dedicated to helping people live healthier lives and making the health care system work better for everyone.  UnitedHealth Group provides a comprehensive array of health benefits and health services that help to improve the affordability, accessibility, quality and convenience of health care.  Mr. Hemsley also serves as a member of the company’s board of directors.
Reed V. Tuckson, MDReed V. Tuckson, MD
Vice President, ATA
Program Chair, ATA 2013
Managing Director
Tuckson Health Connections, LLC

Reed V. Tuckson, MD is currently the managing director of Tuckson Health Connections, LLC, a health and medical care consulting business that brings people and ideas together to promote optimal health outcomes and value through innovation and integration across the fields of prevention; public health; consumer activation; quality care delivery; the translation of science and technology into value producing interventions; and optimization of big data and analytics.

10:00am – 6:30pm
First Floor
Exhibit Hall
10:00am – 11:00am
First Floor
Exhibit Hall
Coffee Break in Exhibit Hall
Supported by Avizia
11:00am – 12:00pm
Third Floor
11:00am – 12:00pm
Third Floor
ATA Member Group Meetings

  • Four Corners Telehealth Consortium DG (Room 336)
  • Telerehabilitation SIG (Room 341)
12:00pm – 1:00pm
Third Floor
Room 334
ATA Practice Guidelines Committee Luncheon Meeting
By invitation only
12:00pm – 1:00pm
Third Floor
12:00pm – 1:15pm
First Floor
Exhibit Hall
Concession Lunch in Exhibit Hall
Lunch is available for sale in the Exhibit Hall.  Grab a bite to eat, network with attendees and connect with ATA 2014 Exhibitors.
12:00pm – 1:15pm
Third Floor
Room 332
1:15pm – 2:15pm
Third Floor
1:15pm – 3:00pm
Third Floor
1:15pm – 2:15pm
Third Floor
ATA Member Group Meetings

1:15pm – 3:00pm
Third Floor
2:15PM – 3:00pm
First Floor
Exhibit Hall
ATA Member Group Meetings

Coffee Break in Exhibit Hall
Supported by Panasonic
3:00pm – 4:00pm
Third Floor
ATA Member Group Meetings

4:15pm – 5:15pm
Third Floor
5:15pm – 6:30pm
First Floor
Exhibit Hall
Exhibit Hall Reception

Tuesday, May 20

7:00am – 6:00pm

First Floor
Charles Street Lobby
Registration Open
Coffee and refreshments provided by Cnow
8:30am – 10:00am
Fourth Floor Ballroom
Tuesday Morning Awards Breakfast
Supported by GlobalMed
Live Streaming provided by Adobe

[Continental breakfast begins at 7:45am; program commences at 8:30am]

Edward M. Brown, MD

Edward M. Brown, MD
President, ATA
Chief Executive Officer
Ontario Telemedicine Network

Opening Musical Interlude
Damaged Care: The Musical Comedy about Health Care in America

Damaged CarePerformed by

Greg LaGana, MD

Barry Levy, MD

ATA 2014 Annual Awards Ceremony

ATA President’s Award: Individual
Supported by Jay Sanders, MD of The Global Telemedicine Group

ATA President’s Award: Health Delivery Quality and Innovation Award
Supported by AMD Global Telemedicine, Inc.

ATA President’s Award: Innovation in Remote Health Care Award
Supported by InTouch Health

ATA Industry Council Leadership Award
Supported by AT&T

ATA SIG & Chapter Achievement Award
Supported by Optum, a UnitedHealth Group Company

ATA Student Paper Award
Supported by the Southwest Telehealth Resource Center

ATA Poster Awards
Supported by ViTel Net

Annual ATA Fellows Induction

A Global Health Mission, A Smaller Military Force: The Promise and Opportunity for Telehealth in the Department of Defense
Jonathan Woodson, MD
Jonathan Woodson, MD
Assistant Secretary of Defense for Health Affairs
U.S. Department of Defense
Dr. Jonathan Woodson is the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Health Affairs. In this role, he administers the more than $50 billion Military Health System (MHS) budget and serves as principal advisor to the Secretary of Defense for health issues. The MHS comprises over 133,000 military and civilian doctors, nurses, medical educators, researchers, healthcare providers, allied health professionals, and health administration personnel worldwide, providing our nation with an unequalled integrated healthcare delivery, expeditionary medical, educational, and research capability.

ATA and Telemedicine: The Year Ahead

Yulun Wang, PhD
Yulan Wang, PhD
President-Elect, ATA
Chairman & CEO
InTouch Health

Yulun Wang, Ph.D., Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, launched his career at the intersection of healthcare and technology with the founding of Computer Motion, Inc. and the invention of AESOP, the first FDA-cleared surgical robot. Under his leadership, Computer Motion went public in 1997 and later merged with Intuitive Surgical to forge the multi-billion dollar surgical robotics industry. In 2002, Dr. Wang founded InTouch Health which has been recognized as one of the fastest growing healthcare and technology companies by the likes of Inc. 500 and Deloitte 500.

10:00am – 3:00pm
First Floor
Exhibit Hall
10:00am – 11:00am
First Floor
Exhibit Hall
Coffee Break in Exhibit Hall
Supported by Bohan Health

11:00am – 12:00pm
Third Floor
ATA Member Group Meetings

11:00am – 12:00pm
Third Floor
12:00pm – 1:15pm
First Floor
Exhibit Hall
Concession Lunch in Exhibit Hall
Lunch is available for sale in the Exhibit Hall.  Grab a bite to eat, network with attendees and connect with ATA 2014 Exhibitors.
12:00pm – 1:00pm
Third Floor
Room 330
ATA Member Group Leadership Luncheon 
Chairs & Vice-Chairs Only
1:15pm – 2:15pm
Third Floor
1:15pm – 2:15pm
Third Floor
Telemedicine Research Highlights Session (Room 343)
1:15pm – 2:15pm
Third Floor
2:15PM – 3:00pm
First Floor
Exhibit Hall
Coffee Break in Exhibit Hall
Supported by Panasonic

3:00pm – 4:00pm
Third Floor
Third Floor
ATA Member Group Meetings

4:15pm – 5:15pm
Third Floor
4:15 – 5:15pm
Third Floor
5:15pm – 9:00pm
Power Plant Live
34 Market Place
(3 Blocks from the
Convention Center)
Closing Networking Reception
Supported by MedwebOne ticket complimentary with each full meeting registration. Additional tickets available for $40/each. The networking reception will be held at Power Plant Live! – a Baltimore landmark, just a few blocks from the Convention Center. Power Plant Live! Is a collection of restaurants and bars that suit everyone’s needs. Bring your dancing shoes as you will enjoy live music and good times. We will be rocking to the sounds of one of Baltimore’s local celebrated cover bands on their outdoor, covered stage.Buses depart from Charles Street Lobby starting from 5:15pm and will run through out the evening.

Robot caregivers help the elderly

Our life expectancy lengthens and members of the ‘silver generation’ make up an ever-larger proportion of the population. Can technologies help us in caring for ourselves, our older relatives and friends? Could we learn to live together with robots while being watched over by sensors? The people behind one EU research project certainly think so.
Our aging population is changing our society’s dynamics and our economy. By 2050 there will only be two (instead of 4) Europeans of working age for each person over 65, and within a decade Europe will need to care for an estimated 84 million people with age-related health problems.

There is an upside to this challenge, though. Collectively, Europe’s over-65’s have a disposable income of over EUR 3,000 billion and a substantial part of this will be ploughed back into the caring economy. According to Stephen Von Rump, CEO of Giraff Technologies AB, the EU market for robots and other devices that help taking care of our elderly will reach EUR 13 billion by 2016, and at least EUR 14.5 billion in the U.S.

The demand for care services has many countries stretched to the limit. That’s where technology can help. Says Mr Von Rump: ‘Today there are an estimated 5 million homes in the EU where elderly residents are receiving formal care services, and 12 million homes globally. Those numbers would more than double if one includes elderly who don’t receive formal care, but who (or whose families) would gladly pay for a telecare service if it would extend their time living at home.’

GIRAFF+ : A Robot Carer in your Home

GIRAFF+ is an EU research project to test how a network of sensors in cooperation with a robot can help older people live safer, more independent lives and enjoy social life from their home. The star of the system is Giraff, a telepresence robot. It moves around the person’s home and enable them to interact with family, friends and healthcare professionals via videoconference. The GIRAFF+ system comes with sensors throughout the home and in wearable devices. These sensors are designed to detect activities like cooking, sleeping or watching television, but they also provide medical information, like blood pressure and body temperature. They allow the person’s carers to remotely monitor their wellbeing and to check for falls. One of the users on the GIRAFF+ pilot, 94-year-old Lea Mina Ralli, wrote on her blog: ‘People ask why I don’t just live with my daughter, but she has grandchildren of her own and many new responsibilities. But with this valuable assistant that I call “Mr. Robin” I’m more relaxed about the years ahead, and so are my children and grandchildren.’

An Emerging Market in Caring Technology

‘The system will be installed into 15 homes by the end of 2014,’ says Amy Loutfi, the project coordinator. ‘So far we have had six homes in Europe – two homes each in Spain, Sweden and Italy – where people have lived with the GIRAFF+ system. We are currently in the middle of the evaluations, but we see that various aspects of the system are appreciated differently by the different users. This goes to show that there is no ‘one-size fits all’ approach to technology at home, and that the latter should be both adaptable and tailored to user’s needs.’

Current plans are to put the system in commercial production next year, based on an upfront fee and monthly subscriptions which would make it competitive when set alongside increasingly expensive full-time care.

Source: Cordis

Margo: The Semi-Autonomous Social Telepresence Robot

Publicado el 01/05/2014

UMass Lowell Robotics Lab

The work shown in this video was supported in part by NSF IIS-1111125.

Source: Robotics Lab

Remote Handshaking: Touch Enhances Video-Mediated Social Telepresence

Publicado el 27/03/2014

Full Title:

Remote Handshaking: Touch Enhances Video-Mediated Social Telepresence


Hideyuki Nakanishi, Kazuaki Tanaka, Yuya Wada


Since past studies on haptic and visual communication have tended to be isolated from each other, it has remained unclear whether a touch channel can still enrich mediated communication where video and audio channels are already available. To clarify this, we analyzed remote handshaking in which a robot hand that was attached just under a videoconferencing terminal’s display moved according to the opening and closing motion of a conversation partner’s hand. Combining touch and video channels raises a question as to whether the partner’s action of touching a haptic device should be visible to the user. If it can be invisible, the action may be unnecessary, and a unilaterally controlled device may be enough to establish an effective touch channel. Our analysis revealed that the feeling of being close to the partner can be enhanced by mutual touch in which the partner’s action needs to occur but should be invisible.


V-Go Robot enables student to attend class

SAN ANTONIO – An Antonian High School student who has had to miss a lot of school because of health issues is now getting to use some new technology that will enable him to be part of the classroom.

It’s a robot called a “V-Go.”

These special robots are fixed with a camera and a wireless signal that stretches straight to their school.

Antonian High School freshman Matthew Vasquez said he has been out of the classroom quite a bit since he was diagnosed with Lymphoma in January.

Now with the help of a systems engineer from the Region 6 Education Service Center, Vasquez will be able to attend class by using the robot.

“They can actually use (the robot) for four hours a day and be with their peers and be with their friends and get their schooling,” said Kip Robins, systems engineer with the Region 6 Education Service Center. “So when they do get ready to go back into the classroom, they’re right with their class.”

Using this technology, Vasquez will be able to see the classroom using his laptop at home, while the V-Go robot is in the classroom. Students and teachers at the school will also be able to see Vasquez through a Skyped image of his face that will appear on the front screen of the robot.

On Wednesday, Vasquez tried out the technology for the first time.

“It was really cool because I really miss coming to school,” said Vasquez. “I miss seeing my friends everyday, my teachers. It’s really nice to finally see them.”

“He tells me everyday, ‘Ask the doctor if I can go back. I can wear a mask. I can do this,'” said Leo Vasquez, Matthew Vasquez’s father. “So just knowing now that he can participate daily with his classmates and his teachers, it means a lot to us.”

Matthew Vasquez said he had been taking home homework packets and e-mailing back and forth with teachers, but he says to attend class this way is so much better.

“It just really lifts my spirits,” Vasquez said. “Now I can see everybody, everyday. So, it’s real nice.”

So far, 26 students from across the state have been using these types of robots to attend school. Matthew will be number 27 and Robins said he can start using the new technology as early as Thursday.