ICRA 2013. Cuadruped. Cheetaroid

The South Korean team, which included Byeonghun Na, Hyunjin Choi, and Professor Kong, describe their work in the paper “Design of a Direct-Driven Linear Actuator for Development of a Cheetaroid Robot,” presented at the 2013 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation. Source Jason Falconer. IEEE. 1 Jul 2013

Four-legged robots are multiplying in labs around the world, and a number of projects are drawing inspiration from one particular family of animals: big cats. This new breed includes Boston Dynamics’s CheetahMIT’s Cheetah RobotOsaka University’s Pneupard, and EPFL’s CheetahCub. The latest specimen comes from South Korea and is called Cheetaroid.

Now, you may be asking why we need quadruped robots and, in particular, cat-inspired ones. The creators of the Cheetaroid, a team from Sogang University‘s Robotic Systems Control Laboratory, led by Professor Kyoungchul Kong, are envisioning different applications. They illustrate those in the image below, which shows how Cheetaroid could be used to assist firefighters, soldiers, disabled individuals, and—well, we’re not exactly sure what’s going on in the lower right image but we wouldn’t want to be the guy in the bite suit.

Lately, most quadruped projects have focused on building faster and more efficient robots. One of the design challenges is choosing which actuators to use in place of the leg muscles. The actuators, which can take the form of electric motors, hydraulics, or even air-powered pneumatics, have to be relatively small and lightweight, yet also fast and powerful. That’s a difficult combination to achieve, leading some teams to design their own hybrid systems in an attempt to get the best of both worlds.

For its robot, the Cheetaroid team decided to build its own direct-drive DC linear actuator. The idea is that this kind of actuator has lower friction and backlash than geared motors, and since it doesn’t require gear reducers (which are used to amplify torque) they are more energy efficient and precise. The challenge is that by using linear actuators, the control system must account for changes in overall joint torque, which depends on the joint’s angle, during locomotion.

After running some simulations to determine the optimum actuator requirements, the team set out to design the device itself. Most linear actuators contain a steel yoke to concentrate the magnetic fields that ultimately push and pull the moving elements attached to the leg joints. For their new actuator, the researchers ditched the yoke to save weight and covered the electromagnetic coils with dual-layer cores to retain much of the magnetic field and force capacity. The images below show the overall design and how they plan to integrate the actuators into the robot:

So far the team has built and tested one of the robot’s hind legs and found that it performed in line with their simulations. The next step will be simulating the rest of the body and determine whether Cheetaroid can walk and gallop. Professor Kong says that, in parallel with the mechanical design, his team is working on effective control algorithms to change between gaits.

The Cheetaroid remains a work in progress, and we look forward to seeing videos of the completed robot taking its first steps. In the mean time, the researchers have been exploring alternative designs. One of them is a Cheetaroid version that uses a single motor to power all four limbs:

Cheetaroid Project ]

Industrial Robotics. Arm. ONExia. ONEreach Cartesian Robot

ONExia’s newest robot, ONEreach is a cost effective Cartesian system backed by our Easyreach Software. This software requires no programming and can be trained by anyone using our touch screen interface and hand controller.

Read More about ONEreach at: http://onexia.com/onereach/

Source: OnexiaInc

Explosive Ordnance Disposal. Cobham

More than 700 Cobham Unmanned systems are in service today, supporting bomb disposal officers and first responders in nations around the world. Distance means safety; this basic rule with regard to disarming explosive devices means that bomb disposal officers increasingly prefer EOD Robots as their tool of choice. Not only bomb disposal officers are exposed to a wide and varied range of hazards today; rescue forces and first responders increasingly get into situations that involve an extremely high level of personnel danger. Unmanned robotic systems have been developed to allow inspection and deal with hazards from a safe distance.
Building on this exceptional experience base, highly advanced solutions can be offered today; semiautonomous and remote controlled robots that can take samples of suspected biological or chemical warfare agents, plus reconnaissance platforms for CBRNE detection.

Telemax Explosive Ordnance (EOD) Robot

The telemax robot is the most versatile EOD / Hazmat robot available on the market today. It packs up small enough to fit in the back of a small SUV but is able to reach over 2,4m tall.
A four-track running gear has been used for the first time in a vehicle of this size, which offers superior mobility compared to other forms of running gear. This means that it can handle gradients of 45° or 100% without difficulty. It can overcome obstacles of up to half a meter in height without problems and also trenches of 60 cm in width.
The basic principle of ‘less is more’ applies with special forces if the situation involves working in confined spaces; in all cases where the big EOD robot cannot be used its little brother provides that vital distance between the bomb disposal engineer and the explosive device (IED, EOD, Bomb) that can mean the difference between life and death: in aircraft, in subways, in buses or other means of public transport.
The telemax has a unique set of features making it highly mobile and suitable for operating in confined spaces; the four individually articulating tracks are controlled separately and can be moved individually in pairs or all together as desired. Additionally, an intelligent controller sets running gear configurations to cope with the relevant situation at the press of a button.
These features make it easier for the operator to control the vehicle, especially in tricky situations such as narrow stairways and high steps. Inclination sensors ensure that the robot always maintains its balance. If a travelling speed of 4 km/h is not enough, then the high speed version offers up to 10 km/h.
The operating concept of the telemax is almost revolutionary by comparison to other robots on the market. It is the only EOD robot in the world that has a so-called TCP controller. TCP stands here for Tool Center Point, the middle point of the tool, or more simply, the gripper or disruptor. This kind of manipulator control makes the telemax the best in class robot in manipulation.
telemax is the only robot in this class that has two tool magazines incorporated into the chassis. This means two additional tools / firing systems can be used on an operation without needing to go back to the starting point. The manipulator automatically takes out the additional tools at the simple press of a button.

tEODor Explosive Ordnance (EOD) Robot

tEODor is an Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD) and observation robot that sets the standard worldwide.  tEODor – pictureDistance means safety; robust, reliable and flexible in use, the innovative bomb disposal system provides a maximum degree of safety and protection.

The basic model is designed as a twin-track vehicle with extremely good manoeuvrability and good properties on open ground; the running gear, equipped with sprung rollers, is characterised by the ability to climb at angles of up to 45°. The individual links of the robust steel track can be easily replaced if they become worn or damaged. The high-torque drive units work with continuous four-quadrant control, both backwards and forwards. Both the vehicle and the manipulator can be operated with extreme delicacy. When the vehicle stops on slopes or gradients the safety brakes operate automatically to hold the vehicle in place.

NBCmax CBRNE Service Robot

The NBCmax service robot is a universal mobile sensor platform that can be equipped with a broad palette of sensors to detect and investigate chemical, biological, explosive or toxic substances (CBRNE).

NBC PictureNot only bomb disposal engineers are exposed to a wide and varied range of hazards today. Rescue forces and first responders such as the fire service, technical rescue specialists or international aid forces increasingly find themselves in situations that involve an extremely high level of personal danger. This includes operations that involve hazardous materials, toxic substances or even biologically harmful materials such as viruses or bacteria. Once such substances have been released-whether through accidents or intentionally-the rescue forces are exposed to maximum danger if working manually.

The NBCmax has been developed to allow the response forces to inspect, and if applicable deal with hazards from a safe distance. The data collected, ranging from gas concentration and gamma radiation through to evidence of explosives, is transmitted back to the control panel of the robot to be processed by the operator.

OSCAR Observation Surveillance Clarification And Reconnaissance Robot

The OSCAR reconnaissance platform can be used universally and provides a comprehensive and reliable estimation of the situation through a large number of optical, physical and electronic sensors without putting any people at risk.

Oscar-pictureOptical reconnaissance, a rotating sensor turret featuring four universal interfaces enables parallel operation of up to four different reconnaissance modules.

Its flat signature and noise optimized drive combined with high mobility and speed open up all kinds of possibilities for an inconspicuous and fast reconnaissance mission in both military and police situations. The very latest energy management and radio transmission technologies have been employed to extend the range and operation time of these unmanned platforms to meet the tough requirements for extended reconnaissance tasks.

Safety Guard Service Robot

The service robot Safety Guard was initially designed to provide technical assistance in the event of an incident occurring at a major industrial production plant. It has been used successfully since 1998 for many years by BASF AG and BAYER AG.

Despite high safety standards, incidents which occur at large-scale production plants in the chemical, petrochemical or pharmaceutical industries still present a significant risk to the fire service. Service robots are increasingly being used to reduce the risk of personal injury in such critical situations.

The robots unique features allow it to handle a variety of tasks including:

  • Closing valves, stop cocks, sliders
  • Sealing off leaks
  • Operating measuring equipment
  • Opening tanks and containers that have an overpressure

Emergency. Remote internal imaging robot

Remote internal imaging robot helps doctors in emergency situations. This remote medical care robot for use in emergency situations, is under development by a research group at Waseda University, led by Dr. Hiroyasu Iwata.

“If a person receives an impact in an accident, there is a possibility that they could have internal bleeding. In emergency rooms, there’s a diagnostic method called FAST, using ultrasound imaging to check for internal bleeding. But that can’t be done until the patient reaches the hospital. So our idea is that this robot can be put on the patient in an ambulance, and while on the way to the hospital, it can be controlled by a doctor in a remote location. As there is ultrasound probe attached, this robot can be used to check for internal bleeding.”

This robot, which weighs 2.2 kg, can be attached to the chest area using a belt, and can be used anywhere as long as there is a network connection. So it could also be used in the home or remote areas.

To enable a physician at a remote location to operate the robot intuitively, it’s controlled using an iPhone, with the robot’s rotation and the ultrasound probe angle controlled by touch.

“The ultrasound probe is attached here, and as it moves, the ultrasound image appears like this. If there’s bleeding, that appears as black shadows like this. If the patient has internal bleeding, they’re in danger unless they get to a hospital. This system lets the physician know that.”

“One point about this robot is, you can change the probe angle freely, keeping the probe in contact with the body. So, even if the patient is moved, the robot moves with them. This means images can continually be sent to the physician at a remote location.”

“Before this robot can be used in emergency care, legal barriers must be overcome. So, what we’d like to do initially is use it for pregnancy check-ups. By doing that, if we make one more prototype version, we think the robot will become practical. In that case, we think this system could become practical within three years.”

Source: Diginfonews and Remote internal imaging robot helps doctors in emergency situations

Robotics for Education and Workforce Development

Yaskawa Motoman provides multiple robots and solutions for education and workforce development. This includes our STEM Robotics education cells, Simple Education System and customizable training programs.

  • We help educators empower the local workforce and enable students to become proficient in robotics.
  • Teach robotic programming using the same equipment deployed in factories around the world
  • Provide students with the skills required for careers in advanced manufacturing
  • Robot training systems available in standard and welding configurations

STEM Robotics Platform
We developed the STEM Robotics Platform to provide community colleges, vocational schools and technical colleges with the best possible equipment for teaching industrial robotics.

Students are excited about robotics. The success of high school robot competitions like FIRST and Vex make students enthusiastic about the chance to learn more advanced robot programming, and each year more of them are looking for opportunities to learn more.

Instructors want course work to be relevant and directly applicable to industry. The best colleges support their local community by preparing students to be successful on Day 1 of their careers as technicians and engineers in factories and other industries.
YMEC – The Yaskawa Motoman Education Consortium
Yaskawa Motoman Education Consortium (YMEC) is a partnership among the best-in-class providers of, not only the robot, but peripherals, vision systems, enclosures, etc.

Download the Robotics for Education and Workforce Development brochure

Robotic: Signs of Growth

wfcsaMilitary experience gradually extends to civilian life. Industrial arms diversify  begin to interact with humans or move. Full automation progresses. The automated vehicles on the roads are almost ready. Continuing  medical robotics covers a wider range of options. Service robots emerge and the conquest of space would not be possible without them.  Interaction between humans and robots flourishes, more friendly to the end user — including brain control.

Through research in private advances,  communication networks, electronics, sensors, artificial intelligence, new materials, energy sources, among many others, make it possible. Markets expand. Market offers diversify. We develop a market of  parts. New actors emerge as  integrative agents.   Just like  media, lawyers and philosophers, network marketing is diversified.

Some questions arise at this time. For example, those relating to privacy,  impact on the labor market, conflicts of responsibility:  cases of Unmanned Vehicle Systems, industrial and medical robotics. But contrary to the negative view points, it is also possible to interpret them as what they are: signs of growth.

Walter Farah Calderón
July, 12, 2013

La experiencia militar paulatinamente se extiende a  la vida civil. Los brazos industriales se diversifican y empiezan a interactuar con humanos o se mueven. La automatización plena avanza. Los vehículos autónomos en las carreteras se encuentran casi listos. La robótica médica continua cubriendo un mayor espectro de opciones.  Surgen los robots de servicio y la conquista del espacio no sería posible sin ellos.  Florece la interacción entre humanos y robots, cada vez más amigables para el usuario final, incluyendo el control cerebral.

Avances en redes de comunicación, electrónica, sensores, inteligencia artificial, nuevos materiales, fuentes de energía, entre otras muchas, lo hacen posible, gracias a la investigación en centros privados  y privados. Los mercados se expanden. La oferta se diversifica. Se desarrolla un mercado de partes. Surgen nuevos actores como los agentes integradores. La red de comercialización se diversifica, al igual que medios de comunicación, abogados y  filósofos.

Algunas dudas enfrenta en este momento. Por ejemplo, las relativas a la privacidad, su impacto en el mercado laboral, los conflictos de responsabilidad, por mencionar casos de los Unmanned Vehicle Systems, industrial y medical robotics. Pero al contrario de la mirada negativa que ve en ellos problemas, también existe la posibilidad de interpretarlos como lo que realmente son: síntomas de  su crecimiento.

Walter Farah Calderón
12 de julio, 2013


Humanoid Robot. TORO

It began in the summer of 2009, with two legs and a camera mounted on top – but it was still far from being a robot of humanoid appearance. Gradually, the TOrque controlled humanoid RObot (TORO), the German Aerospace Center’s (Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt; DLR) walking machine, has become more human-like – an upper body, a head with camera eyes and arms have been added. TORO is now complete, with forearms and hands with sensors and flexible joints that allow it to respond to its environment with exceptional sensitivity. TORO must now learn, step by step, how to perform simple human actions – climbing stairs or opening doors, for example. “Now that the robotic body is complete, we can test processes where the robot carries out sequences of movements with foresight and fluency,” explains Project Manager Christian Ott.

Walking with sentience

Being a walking machine, there is one thing that TORO can, of course, do well – walk. The robot smoothly sets one foot down after the other and moves forwards in small steps. Although the speed is not great, with every step TORO detects the forces at work via sensors in its feet. Torque sensors in the joints ensure that the robot reacts flexibly to its environment. When the walking machine is standing still, it can compensate for impacts against its legs. TORO even manages to do this on a tilt board. “We are working on making it function even better when walking,” says Ott. TORO does this with remarkably small feet. This is a difficult obstacle that the scientists have chosen for themselves. “On the one hand, we wanted to make it more difficult by using a small footprint, but on the other, it enables the robot to climb over obstacles more easily.” The inclusion of an upper body and arms has added another challenge.

Experimenting on two legs

For the researchers, the walking machine is not merely a robot that is expected to learn and master specific tasks; it is a testing ground for all the technology required. While other robots are primarily expected to move around a known environment in a programmed way, researchers want TORO to develop other talents. Above all, they expect to prove its ability to operate independently, flexibly and safely in a new, unknown environment. To do this, the researchers at the DLR Institute of Robotics and Mechatronics are drawing on knowledge they already have; TORO’s arms and legs are based on DLR’s lightweight robots, which are already being used in car manufacturing. These, too, are fitted with sensors and react flexibly to any external disturbances. The researchers chose particularly powerful motors for the walking machine’s legs. The motors for the arms needed to be somewhat less powerful. In terms of TORO’s appearance, this means powerful legs and thinner arms.

Human intuition

With its arms and hands, TORO will now move on to the next phase of development, in which the interaction with the environment will be even greater. “If a person opens a heavy door, for example, they do so in a dynamic process,” says Christian Ott. “They know subconsciously which moves must be performed. Our robot should be able to do this as well.” When do you apply pressure to open the door? When do you ease back? How do you position your upper body? For humans, this knowledge is intuitive. TORO needs to follow this example. In the torso, an inclination sensor records the acceleration and speed of rotation, for example. “Another goal is to climb stairs. This involves TORO learning how to pull itself up on a handrail like a human.” The walking machine’s first hands are being kept simple for this; they can grip, but not move as dextrously as the high-precision hands of DLR’s SpaceJustin, for example, which can open containers and pick up glasses on its own. “The work on TORO is an on-going process,” comments Christian Ott. “This is not intended to create a perfect walking robot, but to be a continuous source of new knowledge.”